Eat well – sleep well.

Lying awake for long periods of time and waking up unslept do not have to be the case if known sleep disruptors are eliminated. One of the unknown ones is our eating behaviour. Digesting meals puts our bodies to work, so they can’t switch to a relaxed resting mode in the evening. Certain components of food are more difficult to break down and digest than others. Therefore, what and when we eat in the evening is important for a high quality of sleep and falling asleep quickly.

Carbohydrates yes, too fatty no

Carbohydrates provide us with valuable energy and should not be left off the menu. In the evening, do not reduce carbohydrates, but rather foods that are difficult to digest, such as fats or raw vegetables. Choose low-fat foods, whole grains and steam your vegetables to make them easier digestible.

Reduce caffeine

Caffeine wanders through our bloodstream for hours and keeps us awake until it is completely broken down in our body. So leave 6-7 hours between bedtime and caffeine drinks. Choose lavender or chamomile tea before going to bed.

Don’t eat too late

Not only what we eat, but also when we eat is important. Don’t eat at least 2 hours before you go to sleep. This gives your body time to digest the food and your metabolic activity does not disturb the quality of your sleep.

Our winter playlist for the Advent calendar