Sleep & stress – A vicious circle?

The ending of the year and the Christmas season are supposed to be a time for of peace and evaluation of the past year. But many people experience this month very differently: One Christmas party chases the next, the gift hunt is on and final deadlines at work are looming. In other words, it’s a stressful time and that can have a negative impact on our sleep. After all, sleep and stress are a strongly connected:

When we’re stressed, we don’t wind down as well in the evening and can’t fall asleep or sleep through the night.

At the same time, not getting enough sleep leads to increased stress levels because a lack of sleep puts a mental and physical strain on our body, which is why we cannot wind down before we going to bed…. so, a vicious circle begins. In extreme cases, sleep disorders can even trigger depression and vice versa.

But at the same time this interdependence also gives us the chance that by being mindful and taking good care of us in one of these two areas, it will automatically have a positive effect on the other. What steps can you take for better sleep, and thus, lowering your stress levels? Here are 3 simple tips:

Sleep rituals

Sometimes it’s difficult to switch from a busy, active lifestyle straight into rest mode when going to bed. Therefore, find 1-2 rituals that serve as buffer time to slow down your body and mind before bedtime. This could be reading a book or drinking a good night tea.


Physical activity helps us to reduce stress hormones and to sleep more peacefully and restfully. Especially in winter, it is recommended to move in the fresh air and during daylight hours – as light inhibits the release of the sleep hormone melatonin.


Try to go to sleep and get out of bed at regular times – even on weekends. This way your body can get used to this rhythm and you might even wake up in the morning without an alarm clock.

Our winter playlist for the Advent calendar